Preparing for the Civil Services Examination (CSE) is a challenging task, and choosing Sociology optional subject for the Mains Examination is a crucial decision that can affect the ranking of the candidate. With nearly 30% weightage given to the optional …
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is responsible for conducting one of the toughest competitive exams in India, including the Civil Services Examination. Aspirants who wish to clear the UPSC exam and get into civil services need a UPSC checklist …
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the Civil Services Examination, which is one of the most prestigious career options in India. The selection process consists of three stages – Preliminary, Mains, and Interview. The exam is highly competitive, and …
Starting with a strong foundation is essential for success in the UPSC exam. This involves mastering basic UPSC reading techniques for various materials. They include books, newspapers, magazines, and online reports. So, by developing these skills, one can quickly comprehend …
Every year, thousands of aspirants appear for the APSC and UPSC exams to pursue their dream of becoming civil servants. These exams are highly competitive and require a comprehensive understanding of various subjects, including current affairs. Daily newspaper analysis can …
The Civil Services Examination (CSE) and the Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) are some of the toughest exams in India. The interview stage of these exams can make or break the Civil Services aspirant’s career. The final interview stage is …
Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) is the civil services examination conducted by the state government of Assam. APSC Offline coaching classes hold significant benefits for APSC preparation. It is the gateway to recruiting candidates for various administrative posts. Also, with …
Preparing for civil services exams can be a daunting task, especially during the interview stage. Therefore, APSC mock interviews can be an effective tool for Civil Services aspirants. Consequently, they can improve their communication skills and confidence. Thus, prepare for …
Current Affair is a crucial part of any competitive exam, including the Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) exam. Therefore, staying updated with the latest happenings and events around the world is essential. Also, it helps to score well in the …
Preparing for any civil services examination is a daunting task, and the optional paper is one of the most crucial parts of the exam. Political Science is one of the most popular optional papers in the UPSC exam and the …