UPSC CSE interview skills
When it comes to the UPSC CSE interview, the key to success lies in your levels of confidence and composure. A thorough preparation on various topics, including current affairs, optional subjects, and the subjects you studied at the college level, can help you gain the confidence you need to ace the interview. It’s also important to participate in mock interviews to enhance your composure and confidence.
UPSC CSE interview tips
Relevant topics for UPSC CSE
To prepare comprehensively, identify relevant topics on various subjects and cover them thoroughly. Reading two newspapers, The Hindu and The Indian Express, and watching Rajya Sabha TV programs like Big Picture, India’s World, and World Panorama can give you the critical thinking and analytical ability you need to confidently answer questions.
Grooming your personality for the UPSC CSE interview
In addition to knowledge, your personality is also essential to success in the UPSC CSE interview. Good etiquette, a sound value system, and a balanced personality that displays honesty, integrity, fairness, empathy, sensitivity towards the problems of depressed sections of the population, sincerity, commitment, willingness to assume responsibility, and other positive traits can create a good impression with the interview board.
Work on etiquette
The interview itself is conducted in a friendly and cordial manner. Board members do not come prepared with a list of questions; instead, they start a conversation with you and develop the interview based on your answers. You should be polite, respectful, and formal in your approach towards the members, and remember that it’s not necessary to answer every question. Quality, originality, and clarity of thought are more important than quantity.
Polish communication skills
Finally, remember that it’s not necessary to have excellent communication skills to score high marks in the interview. It’s possible to score well with average communication skills. Therefore, as long as you have a thorough understanding of the subjects you can score. Also, a clear opinion on various controversial issues, and a balanced personality work. The UPSC CSE interview is a test of your personality, not your oratorical skills.